Tuesday, December 30, 2008
And so this is Christmas.
I am planning on going for a run tonight (60 degrees) and then on New Years day (40 degrees). I am very busy at work over the holidays as well at home.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Monday, December 22, 2008
chore filled weekend with a run in
Sunday was family time and the big boy and I played outside some and then played with some neighbors inside. We had a blast with our neighbors while catching up with all the goings on. I did not complete the choir list as well as the Christmas shopping so I am a very busy man this week.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
relaxing evening
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Weekend work and run
I am going to list my HBBC points on the right side of the blog to keep track as suggested by Run to Finish. She asked me about my core workouts and if there were any that helped with my running. I do a mixture of exercises starting with a 20 rep of dumbell curls or something similar. I then do 30 sit-ups, followed by 30 pushups. Then 20 leg lifts followed by 30 closed grip pushups. Then 30 crunches followed by 10 pull-ups. I do this everyday and also a 30 push-up, 20 ab-roller, 15 closed grip pushups first thing in the morning. The morning routine drives my wife nuts but I love it as it gets me up and going for the day.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get and you need to tell them your love for them every chance you can also. Live everyday to the fullest.
Friday, December 12, 2008
full moon run
HBBC= 7 points + 1.5 points for workout two nights before.
I am planning on getting two runs this weekend even though my schedule is full setting up our Christmas present of a big LCD hdtv above the fireplace and other things around the house. Looking forward to it all.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
finally a run
Good job to all who ran races this weekend and a couple of qualifiers. Way to go.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live life to the fullest everyday.
Monday, December 8, 2008
cancer sucks my left
The damn cancer thing is al over the place lately and battles are being fought and some are being lost. My cousin just completed surgery for her breast cancer and went well during surgery. I am praying that this battle is completly defeated soon and she can claim victory, having lost her mom last year to this bastard. Another family member and the biggest part of my life is still fighting and has good days and bad. I completely treasure every second that I have been able to spend with him and remain positive through this time.
Lastly, I have followed the blog and fight of Erica for the past year and a half. She is such a beautiful person inside and out that even a blog reader can feel the large loss of her passing. Erica, you will be missed and God bless you and your family.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
**HBBC- 6 points**
Friday, December 5, 2008
no wet cold run
I am thinking of putting together some activities to do for raising money for fighting Cancer organizations. I am in the brainstorming part right now and well post my plan here when I have one.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get! Live life to the fullest everyday! Good luck to those running races this weekend.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Best Thanksgiving weekend ever!

The rest of the day only got better and we played games outside, drank, joked, talked, and visited with old friends. The meal was awesome with tons of good food and cold beers. My family are the biggest Dallas Cowboy fans so we all watched the game while the wives talked. A couple of my brothers and I played football against another 3 boys and we beat them pretty good. When it was over with and everyone went the seperate ways, I decided to head over to my best friends house to hang out for a little. Two of my brothers, best friend and myself hung out and talked til around 11ish about anything and everything in his back patio. I slept on his sofa and had one of the best night sleeps ever. We woke up around 8 when his wife was leaving for work and had breakfast. I said I was planning on going to the beach and running and my best friend said he would ride his bike with me. We loaded up and made plans to go out on the boat later with my brothers and SIL. We drove to a shopping center parking lot in Deerfield beach in which we started from there and began to cross a intercoastal waterway bridge which started to open for a boat so I had to really run fast. When we got to the beach we stopped for a second to look at the awesome flat ocean. I proceeded to run north up to Boca inlet and decided to keep going to the next main intersection of Palmetto. We stopped there for a second and I talked to another brother and then my wife called. We turned around and headed back along A1A to our starting point. Before we were headed to the bridge I thought I saw my brother and his family driving along the beach so I said hey lets go see if we can find them. So we went a mile down the beach and didn't see them so we headed back to the car. We did a total of 7.6 miles at a 10 minute pace according to nike+ which doesn't account on the stopping. Absolutely was one of the best mornings, runs, and times I have had. We then headed to another brothers house to meet up with my family (which did not go to the beach) and made a timeline for the boat outing. We went out on my best friends boat and cruised up the intercoastal to the Hillsboro inlet and anchored next to the beach and dredging barge. We all hung out on the beach for a little while and then we decided to go to the top of the lighthouse. Absolutely awesome up there and having been born and raised in south Florida, this was one of the coolest things I have done there as you could see forever up there. When we got back on the boat we discovered that the battery had died and the anchor didn't set so we drifted to the barge. I dove down to get the anchor and had to swim out with the anchor about 100 yards and set it in deeper water away from the barge. What a workout and as I finished this the sea-tow boat showed up to give us a jump. We headed back to dock and then went straight back to my brothers for a bbq cookout. My dad was too sick to come so it was just all the brothers and sisters hanging out and eating while some were making fun of each other. A couple of brothers and sisters and I decided to go see a movie so we drove there and saw the new bond movie. Come 12:30 I am at my parents house and going to sleep. Wake up at 6:30 and decided to hang out and enjoy the day with my family at home. I helped my mom get the Christmas stuff out of the garage and did other things around the house to help out. All of the brothers and sisters showed up for lunch and then I decided to leave the next day for a long drive back. Went to church that night with the family to our church where I haven't been since my wedding and then went and had a great dinner at home. I went to the store and got a real tree for my family and put it up for them. My other best friend came over later that night and we talked for a little until they went home. My dad and I watched a football game until 12 and then talked for little. We went to sleep and then woke up at 7 to leave. It took us 14 hours to get home to Charlotte that day as South Carolina was the worst state with stopped traffic. Abolsutely awesome time and I would do it again today to see family and friends.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Happy Birthday Big boy! 5 years old today!
Friday, November 21, 2008
cold night run
It looks like it is going to be a cold weekend here and I am getting excited to go to south Florida next week and get some runs in. I am driving down with one of my younger brothers and no beautiful wife and big boy which I am both happy and sad about. I will miss them but will try to take advantage of the time away with my family.
Hope everyone has a good weekend and is able to get out for a run or walk. Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live life to the fullest everyday!
Monday, November 17, 2008
veterans golf and a great saturday run
I was able to have saturday to myself for a couple of hours since the big boy wanted to go to his grandparents house. I got stuff done around the house and then went for a run around lunch time. It was very windy out with some gusts blowing around 20ish knots and at one point when I was running into the wind, the wind picked me up some. It was a great run and I did a good 5 mile route with a 9:30ish pace. I picked up a safety vest at the store this weekend for my night runs and I am planning on giving it a try tonight.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get and live life to the fullest.
Monday, November 10, 2008
a great run
On sunday, I got some small things done around the house and then went for a run. I started the run feeling good and was happy to be out during the daytime and wanted to just enjoy the run. With just under a mile left to go, the nike+ training run came on the ipod which was a 20 minute pace builder. I did the training run which increased my distance some and also my pace. I was spent though when it was over which was nice. I did have some chaffing going on in the crotch area and a weird cut on top of one of my toes. Not sure how that happened. I will try to get more workouts like that from Nike+.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get and live everyday to the fullest!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
a welcome shower
Love and hug your loved ones and live life to the fullest everyday!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
time off
My heart and prayers go out to fatty and his family. Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get and don't wait to say or do something with them. Live life to the fullest every chance you get.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
weekly routine
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get and live life to the fullest everyday!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
a little chilly run

Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get and live everyday to the fullest!
Monday, October 20, 2008
long time no blog
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get and live life to the fullest everyday!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Busy, busy
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
needing a run
Love and hug your LOVED ones every chance you get and live life to the fullest everyday!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
4 slow miles and cooler weather coming
Monday, September 15, 2008
That was awesome!
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
Friday, September 12, 2008
a needed run
I came home after the run and the big boy and beautiful wife told me I was gone for a long time. I feel bad that I am gone for some time during family time and will probably keep to shorter runs during the week. I am planning on getting a long run in this weekend early in the morning.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
My son
My big boy cried a couple of weeks ago because he didn't want anyone to die. I tried to explain to him that everything has to die someday but not to think of that but always think of how awesome it is now and enjoy all there is to enjoy today. I believe he understood my point but it was very cute that the first person he said he didn't want to die was "coach" ( my father). Having only seen him maybe once every year of his life, I wondered how and why he thought of my dad first. I have thought about this also but I haven't spoken to anyone about it. To many people that know my dad, he may be a little strange. Like he wants all of his grandkids to call him coach. He lives for youth soccer with almost every day is consumed in shome fashion with soccer. He used to coach, he still refs games almost once a week, and helped start a breakaway league of soccer in our hometown. Soccer has been a way of life at my parents home since I can remember and my grandmother used to say "I think he will miss my own funeral because of soccer!" He didn't miss her funeral or even come close but youth soccer is his life.
Anyway, I find out through my sisters facebook page that he was in the hospital for the last couple of days because of some sickness. What??? After several calls to my siblings, I finally discover that he had some tests done and we will find out next week the results. No need to panic but this has me wondering and thinking deeply. I came to the conclusion that I am not ready for his death, even though I have been trying to mentally and emotionally prepare myself for this. I consider myself phsycologically strong with a strong determination to live life to the fullest everyday. In the couple of hours following this news I am beginning to think otherwise. I stayed calm and talked myself through this and have told myself to continue to be strong and love all of life and its many blessings.
Love and hug your loved ones and tell your Dad's (and Mom's) you love them! God bless all the family and loved ones of all that were lost 7 years ago today! God Bless USA!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
good weekend and new car
I did go for a short slow run last night with a plan of getting out and just going. Very humid out but it wasn't too bad. I am looking forward to getting some more runs in this week.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get! Later gators!
Friday, September 5, 2008
These storms make me miss the Coast Guard and the weeks of getting ready and then spending days and weeks helping people who weren't ready. I remember growing up at home with hurricanes hitting south Florida all the time. My dad owned a business on the beach and we would have to go help "tape" the windows and schools being out. I remember one storm hitting us and knocking the power out as we all slept in the family room so we could all see the storm together. We played board games and went outside when the eye of the storm came through, good times. Now Andrew is a different story, I was the last flight into to Homestead air base and then getting ready for the storm had a different urgency to everyone (even though it was real nice the day before the storm hit). When the storm hit, I, we, everyone was pretty scared and there were times during the night that I thought for sure we were all being wiped from the earth. I was "visiting" south Florida with a mission to buy a vehicle, after Andrew came through, that changed to helping anyone and everyone.
Times are a different now and the media love showing and giving time to the people that complain. If I lived in a "city" that is below sea level, I would have an understanding that there are going to be flooding issues. Anyway, I hope everyone stays safe and uses common sense.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
labor day weekend and World human race 10k
I woke up very early on sunday and headed to my favorite trail for a 6.5 mile run as I signed up for the Nike+ World human race 10k run. I had a fiber one bar for breakfast on the way there as the sun was coming up, I was feeling pretty good with no issues. I hadn't had many runs lately as well as any long runs, but the last couple of runs have been strong. I loaded up with a bottle of gatorade and some sharkies gummies and started out feeling good. I was aiming for a good strong pace for the first 2 miles and then just trying to get through the next rough 2 miles and then hopefully picking it back up to finish the last 2 miles strong. I did really well the first 2 miles and walked at the 2 mile mark with a quick drink of gatorade and some sharkies. I picked it back up going into the next hard 2 miles with several quick ups and downs. The weather was great although it was very humid so i was soaked with sweat the whole run. I had to walk a little in the middle of the tough 2 miles section but was still feeling good. When I got back out to the last 2 miles of easier trail, I picked it back up. I finished the run real strong and a time of 1 hour and 13 minutes. Very happy with my run overall even though I have not had many runs as of lately. Came home to a beautiful wife and awesome big boy waiting for me as we had breakfast and coffee.
We had plans to go to the city festival of Matthews alive with several of our neighbors and their kids. We got to the event at noon and walked around for the first couple of minutes. The heat was so extreme that the objective of the whole thing for us became to enjoy what we could from the shade. The kids had lots of fun with the beautiful wife and I spent all of our money on rides and food. I got a $8 quesidilla that was actually not bad for fair food. The big boy loved the event as well as both the misses and I loving every single second. The big boy and I went on a merry-go-round ride which was nice to enjoy some breeze. Then the beautiful wife and big boy went on a small train ride that he loved. We left after the train ride and went home to drink tons of water.
Monday was a nice and relaxing day at home with no plans or desire to do anything or go anywhere. We did end up going to babies-r-us for some baby shower gifts. The inlaws came with us and then wanted to go to dinner.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The big boy had his first sleep over ever on Saturday night and they were so good. I didn't think they would actually go through with the sleep over and when they went to sleep at 10 and didn't wake up until 8:30, I couldn't believe my eyes. Great time and the boys are absolutely wonderful. I unfortunately didn't take pictures so we will have to do it again.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
missed weekend run and bike
I did enjoy some good time with the big boy on saturday and sunday with us walking down to visit his friends in the neighborhood and play. We haven't done that in a while as July was very busy for us. We only hung out for an hour or two but it was good to spend time with them.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
Friday, August 15, 2008
even better 6er
I have been following along on the web of Karl Metger's applachian trail assault. He is goign for the speed record of the applachian trail, check it out here.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Have a great weekend and good luck to all the runners and Karl.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
great 6 mile run
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
Monday, August 11, 2008
a small brick
I did a small brick workout on sunday with a 4 mile bike ride followed by a 3 mile run. The bike ride wasn't too bad but I know I am really out of shape. The run was good with a small issue of a cramp in my side. Don't know why but I have had a small cramp on the last couple of runs. After the first mile and half, I finished strong with no pain. Maybe I am running to slow in my new shoes. Don't know what the problem is but I am enjoying being out so I don't mind walking or running. I am planning on riding the bike again on wednesday or thursday.
Hope everyone has a good monday. Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
Monday, August 4, 2008
New shoes
The beautiful wife and mother-in-law made plans to go to the outlet mall to get the big boy some shoes which I thought would be good to go shopping as well. The big boy gets 3 pair of cool shoes and on the way out, I see a nice pair of running shoes. I haven't had a new pair of running shoes in a long, long time so... I got em and they were really cheap with no sales tax! Got home and attempted to test out the new shoes. Felt amazing the first mile and I haven't had this feeling in a long time. I had a small bottled water with me but was starting to get a cramp just after a mile so I walked and drank some of the water I brought. I walked and ran a 3 mile route with a cramp the whole time but really enjoyed the news shoes. I wasn't feeling great all weekend and have not been properly hydrating and fueling for any runs let alone a humid hot run. I'll try again tomorrow maybe.
Love and hug your loved ones!
Friday, August 1, 2008
back to shorty
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tired mountain weekend
Finally getting to the mountains and trying to meet up with my parents at a festival in Waynesville, the big boy got freaked out about something and wanted to go to the cabin. So we told my parents that we would be at the cabin and they could stay at the festival so the big boy could play. We had fun at the cabin as another brother of mine (one below me) and a family friend drove up from Orlando to visit also. My brothers went kayaking on a river and I could of gone but wanted to spend time with my wife and son so I stayed at the cabin. We went for a family walk later up the mountain and enjoyed the amazing views and millions of butterflies. We had a great family dinner at the cabin made by my step mom and really enjoyed the evening. We all watched tv and/or movies while some read books.
Now came time for everyone to sleep and this cabin has only 4 beds but there were 10 people in the cabin. So, everyon goes to the proposed beds and my wife and I were suppose to sleep in a bed in the same room as my parents when my wife comes out of the room and says, "I can't sleep in there cause your mom is snoring!" So I tell my little sister to go sleep in the bed we were going to sleep in and we would sleep on the sofa and the recliner. The wife went to sleep on the recliner and exhausted me slept on the recliner with no blanket or sheet or anything. I did sleep some but didn't mind to much about not sleeping but was worried about the wife and big boy. We all woke up and had a quick breakfast and then the Orlando group had to leave. The big boy freaked out again and wanted to take pictures instead of being in the pictures. We then went to church and had a great breakfast at my favorite country club in Waynesville.
Needless to say that after a long and sleepness night, I have been exhausted all week and have not had any runs or workouts. I am feeling better today and am planning on getting a run in tonight. Was a great time up at the mountains with family and can't wait til next year to do it again, but next time I'm going longer and doing more.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Finally a run
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Not much
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get, and do your best to have laughs with them also.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
7 years of love

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Happy 4th of July

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Monday run & swim
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
Monday, June 30, 2008
chillin weekend
Stayed and hung out at a neigbors patio til 12:30 and we enjoyed an absolutely awesome night. I slept next to the big boys tent I made in his room on the floor with a little hangoover but felt good after coffee and chillin with the beautiful wife and son. The big boy had a birthday party to go to at our neighborhood pool and once again it was just me and the big boy partying up like rock stars! We played and had a great time in the pool for 3 hours, the most I have been in water since my melanoma event almost 3 years ago. We went home and played for a little and watched tv/movies and then decided to take it easy and ordered pizza.
Hope everyone had good weekends and love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
hump day trail run

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
troubled knees
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get and live life to the fullest.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
missed run
Love and cherish every second you can with all of your loved ones. Life is short, live it to the fullest.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Fathers day
Woke up and enjoyed a nice breakfast with the family and then went to walmart to get my father-in-law his present of a 4-man blow up boat which they didn't have. We finished shopping and then went to the house to drop off the groceries in the hot house. We then went to the inlaws pool and swam for several hours and I had a blast playing with the big boy. We finished up and then I went for a 4 mile run but was not very hydrated. I am hoping the air gets fixed soon this week and I am able to get a trail run in soon.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. I am truly blessed with everything I have and wish the best for all of you.
Friday, June 13, 2008
bus running
I got home last night and wanted to run but knew the wife wanted me to cut the grass, so I took care of the yard and when I was done I went for a nice short run. 4 miles in a 9:30 pace. It wasn't that bad and really enjoyed the run. I ran on sunday morning at 7 and thought I was going to die. It was so humid and hot and I had to take it easy and I even had to walk some. I went through 2 bottles of water and it was only 5 miles. I am going to try and go for a trail run early tomorrow morning and we shall see.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
Friday, June 6, 2008
need more water
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get, even if your sweaty and nasty!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
back to running
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
memorial weekend with family

We then continued to tour the race track and drove all around the track. The beautiful wife was ready to pick us up at this point so we met up with her and then dropped of my S.i.L at the hotel so her and my brother could go to a dinner date and whatever else they wanted. We took all the kids home and played outside/inside and fed them all a good dinner. We then gave them all baths and let them watch a movie in the big boys room while I made a tent in his room. The kids had a blast and were all very good and even went to sleep, except the 2 year old. The 2 year old is attached to her mommy so after dinner they came and picked her up to take back to the hotel. My beautiful wife and I were exhausted and looked at each other in bed and thought how in the world does anyone do it with multiple kids. I am experienced with multiple kids but my wife is not, and I ensured her that it is hard work but you can do it.
We all woke up in the morning and had a donut breakfast and played outside. It was a beautiful morning and I enjoyed my coffee while the kids played. My S.i.L took her time and went to breakfast with their little girl and then came over our house and let the kids play more. The kids played all day and we went swimming, played, and then went to a neighborhood party where the kids played some more. Was a great weekend and we hope they come to visit more or move closer than hotlanta so we can visit more.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you can.
Friday, May 23, 2008
thursday run
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get and enjoy the beautiful day!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
need more time
I am looking forward to a three day weekend this weekend and we are having the sister-in-law from Atlanta with their 3 girls over this weekend and the big boy is so excited. After I told him they are coming this weekend, he woke up the other night at 2:30 and told me "I am so excited for my cousins coming and I love them!" I said that is 3 days away and it is time for sleeps.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Busy doing Nothing
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Stinky Daddy
I love this kid. Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get, even if they sing stinky songs about you!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
I do
I had a nice run last night and the ipod worked after I fixed it. Was a little chilly but after 2 miles I was feeling good even though it was sprinkling a little. I ended up doing 6 miles with a 10 minute pace but I was holding the pace back the whole time. I think I am ready to do some bigger miles and this weekend so we will see.
Monday, April 7, 2008
wet and wild
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Heavy legs
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
Monday, March 31, 2008
no run weekend
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
blister run
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Great Easter weekend
Monday, March 17, 2008
I ran!
Friday, February 29, 2008
time for a break
I have been a little upset with the local politics where we live as the city council FINALLY decided to let the citizens vote on whether beer and wine can be sold at restaurants, hotels, and motels. No liquor, just beer and wine would be able to be sold. Now I am not upset cause I want to have alcohol, I am upset cause the 5 council members have taken years and tons of tax money to finally let the people decide. They are worried that if they let alcohol drinks in the town then there will be more crime and we will lose the one thing that makes us different from big Charlotte. I can feel my blood pressure rise every time I think about this. It is so stupid. I am glad that we will finally be able to vote on the issue and hopefully we can get this passed and the 4 restaurants here in town can help their sales a little.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
biggest loser
Watched the biggest loser last night and was really impressed with the 4 guys from the blue team. Both teams went home and the blue team worked hard and kept up the routine. The black team didn't look as commited when they went home and you can tell when they got killed in the weigh in. I really enjoy that show and hope that it motivates people to not just lose weight but get in shape.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
good weekend that changed quickly monday morning
Anyway the weekend was great and all was good as we went to sleep sunday night. We were awoken at 12:30ish by the big boy who proceeded to vomit all over us and our bed and comforter. I carried him into the bathroom and we would revisit the same carry into bathroom scene several times that night. The poor guy has never been sick like that and didn't know what it was. I slept with him on the floor next to the bathroom the rest of the morning. I stayed home with him on monday and tuesday afternoon and I am hoping that he is ok today at school.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
Friday, February 8, 2008
weekend looking good
Have a good and safe weekend! Love and hug all of your loved ones.
Monday, February 4, 2008
no run for you!
Love and Hug all your loved ones every chance you get.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
time for rest and recovery
Give lots of hugs and kisses to all of your loved ones!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
pay the bills
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
holiday is over
I did have a great 5 mile run saturday night and was feeling really good. I did the same 5 mile run on monday night and ran in my new balance shoes. I tried to pick my pace up for the whole run and now my left ankle and shin are hurting. I paid the price and I still had a 9:30 pace. I am going to take a couple of days rest and run again this weekend.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get!