Friday, December 5, 2008

no wet cold run

Was dressed and ready to go for a run last night but as I was walking out the weather decided to change with cold rain. I did my 30 minute workout before and decided with the traveling last weekend as well as the tired long week, a cold wet run would not be worth it. I will get some runs in this weekend as well as my 30 minuteish workouts.

I am thinking of putting together some activities to do for raising money for fighting Cancer organizations. I am in the brainstorming part right now and well post my plan here when I have one.

Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get! Live life to the fullest everyday! Good luck to those running races this weekend.

1 comment:

RunToTheFinish said...

I can do cold or run...but not both. I'm learning I can only handle one icky situation at a time.