I haven't had 2 minutes to post all week, crazy busy. I had a massage last week that I told the masseuse to go hard and focus on my foot pain. She did an amazing job to the whole body as well as the legs and feet. My foot was bothering me for the next couple of days but wasn't worried. I took the baby angel for a walk sunday morning which she was not happy with starting at a walk, so I ran. And ran, and ran. I ran until she woke up an hour later at 7 miles. I felt awesome with so much energy and strength. Was so nice to just go and go, not worried about time or distance. Just to be out with the sleeping baby angel. She wanted to go for a walk later the same day so I took her again and walked about 3 or 4 miles. I was exhausted at that point with no energy or strength left. Poor little angel is fighting some kind of sickness and having a rough week. Looking forward to our runs this weekend. Fall weather is here for sure.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
sun valley elementary 5k
Crazy week here for me, but a good busy. The wife and I ran the 5k at the big boys school last saturday with baby angel in her stroller. As soon as the run started, little angel was out and slept the whole race. The beautiful angel wife and I had a great run and everything was great. There was only like 75 people so it is very small and low key. We finished in 37:15 I think which is really good considering she started running 8 weeks before this. I think and hope she has caught the bug and we have more times together like this. I take the baby angel on runs every chance I get which is now once during the week and both days of the weekend. We love it.
The foot hurts still but now I just stretch it and massage the achilles which seems to work pretty well now. The good thing is that it is making me focus on running mostly on the forefoot. Sometimes it hurts real bad but is not criplling me any more. It is really bad though when I first stand up after sitting or laying for a while.
The weather has been perfect lately and making me want to get out more and more. The beautifule wife angel runs 3 early mornings a week and is looking for a boot camp that she can go to that is near our house. There is one real close but it is very expensive. We will find something for her to enjoy;)
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
The foot hurts still but now I just stretch it and massage the achilles which seems to work pretty well now. The good thing is that it is making me focus on running mostly on the forefoot. Sometimes it hurts real bad but is not criplling me any more. It is really bad though when I first stand up after sitting or laying for a while.
The weather has been perfect lately and making me want to get out more and more. The beautifule wife angel runs 3 early mornings a week and is looking for a boot camp that she can go to that is near our house. There is one real close but it is very expensive. We will find something for her to enjoy;)
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Steady as you go
I feel so good to say that I have been able to go for wonderful runs with the baby angel every weekend. This past weekend was an amazing 6 mile run/walk on sunday in absolute perfect weather. I can feel the pain and tightness in the foot during the run but focus on running mostly on the ball of the foot ( as we should). I am very excited as the wife and I are running the local race this weekend at our big boys school. I ran this race last year which goes along our regular route. This is going to be the first race ever for the wife and I will be taking the baby angel along so it will be almost a family affair. I would like th ebig boy to come along as well but not sure yet how that will work.
The big boy has started cub scouts and is very excited for all that is will be bringing. I have volunteered as his den leader so we have been very busy with all of that. I am looking forward to helping the scouts "Do their best" as well as remember the time when I was a scout. Good times.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
The big boy has started cub scouts and is very excited for all that is will be bringing. I have volunteered as his den leader so we have been very busy with all of that. I am looking forward to helping the scouts "Do their best" as well as remember the time when I was a scout. Good times.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Could it be possible?
Believe it or not, I was able to go for another run on saturday with the baby angel in her stroller. The weather has been perfect and the foot has been very tolerable. Both the baby angel and I love the time and energy while we are out taking in everything the world has to offer us in our little world. She usually nods off at the halfway point so I take it easy going in and out of the sidewalk entryways. I think I may start to make plans for more regular runs now, still not pushing it. I had big plans to do lots of races this fall in honor of my dad and family but the injury killed those plans. We shall see what happens now.
The house was filled with sickies all weekend so I was the only one getting things done with both kiddos in tow. Was awesome though to spend the whole weekend with the family and was really a great bonding time for all. The little angel is starting to crawl more and more with a strong urge to be free and like her big brother, which is so cute and loving.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
The house was filled with sickies all weekend so I was the only one getting things done with both kiddos in tow. Was awesome though to spend the whole weekend with the family and was really a great bonding time for all. The little angel is starting to crawl more and more with a strong urge to be free and like her big brother, which is so cute and loving.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
light at the end of the tunnel
I can only begin to describe the feeling I had when I ran some on saturday morning while taking the little angel for a walk. We went for a 3 mile walk/run that was so great and wonderful that I almost sang and danced on the way home. Luckily for people driving by I didn't but I was doing the jig on the inside. The little angel really enjoys her walks outside and then slept the half way home. The foot hurt some later that day but I did some icing and stretching that made it tolerable. I am so excited about running again but need to take it very easy and I am not going to push it at all. To make matters even better, the beautiful angel wife went for a run the next morning which I have never seen or thought of as possible. She is really enjoying losing weight and getting back in shape as she has been going to a boot camp at the Y three morning a week while I get everyone up and going for the day. She has three more weeks left I think and we shall see where she goes from there.
The big boy had outpatient surgery on friday that went very well and he is getting back to normal which is very nice. We relaxed at home all weekend to let him heel while we spend some much needed family time. Nothing like a long weekend at home doing nothing but spending time together to fuel the soul. The weather was absolutely perfect all weekend especially in the mornings when I am up and getting the small things done around the house. Little angel is starting to explore all around her and will crawl some if her big brothers toys are within view. Time to start baby proofing! Still no teeth for her though but she is as cute as can be and has me wrapped around her fingers.
Lots of prayers and thoughts for my cousin Tracy fighting her cancer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RURY02H495w Love you.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest!
The big boy had outpatient surgery on friday that went very well and he is getting back to normal which is very nice. We relaxed at home all weekend to let him heel while we spend some much needed family time. Nothing like a long weekend at home doing nothing but spending time together to fuel the soul. The weather was absolutely perfect all weekend especially in the mornings when I am up and getting the small things done around the house. Little angel is starting to explore all around her and will crawl some if her big brothers toys are within view. Time to start baby proofing! Still no teeth for her though but she is as cute as can be and has me wrapped around her fingers.
Lots of prayers and thoughts for my cousin Tracy fighting her cancer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RURY02H495w Love you.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
missing summer
I miss running!! My foot is still hurting even after stretching, icing, anti-flamatory meds, and time off. The doctor checked it out, pressed against my achilles (it was very tender) and gave me a prescription for anti-flammatory and a stretching sheet to follow. I bought insoles that have helped some but the pain is still there. I am thinking about justing going for a run this weekend on the beach and say to hell with it. I really miss running!
This summer has been very busy for us though with very little windows of opportunity to go for runs. My sister visited us for a week and we all had a blast. A short weekend trip to Charleston was wonderful, exactly what we (I) needed. We actually rode bikes all weekend and walked the Ravenel bridge together one morning. The beautiful angel wife has shingles now but hasn't let that stop her from doing a bootcamp at the local Y. I am very happy she is doing all of this and wish I could join her some.
I have big plans for the near future in the works that will require an uninjured me to fulfill them. I will let the plans known soon.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
This summer has been very busy for us though with very little windows of opportunity to go for runs. My sister visited us for a week and we all had a blast. A short weekend trip to Charleston was wonderful, exactly what we (I) needed. We actually rode bikes all weekend and walked the Ravenel bridge together one morning. The beautiful angel wife has shingles now but hasn't let that stop her from doing a bootcamp at the local Y. I am very happy she is doing all of this and wish I could join her some.
I have big plans for the near future in the works that will require an uninjured me to fulfill them. I will let the plans known soon.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
half a mile try
I took the beautiful angel for a trial run in her jogging stroller around the block. Worked great and could have gone longer had I not been pratically dying out there. She was fine and I think she really enjoyed it. My foot was killing me and I think it is time for me to get new shoes. I used our muscle massager last night on it and it feels much better today so I am going to keep using that. I have really been in a funk lately and I think that getting my running back will knock me out of it so I am wanting to run pretty bad. Not going to push it though.
Check out the ryders sunglasses giveaway Tricia is having.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Check out the ryders sunglasses giveaway Tricia is having.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Monday, June 14, 2010

I didn't get any workouts or runs in this weekend as I was trying to let the foot heel, hopefully it helped. I did work hard though painting our master bedroom all day and night Saturday by myself, no biggie really but moving the furniture to the middle of the room killed my back and quads. The room does look great and glad to have that over with. Thinking of getting a run in this week to test the foot, maybe a nice easy 3 mile run/walk. I really want to run a trail half marathon in September and also am looking forward to taking the baby angel for some good runs with the jogging stroller.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
P.S. - check out the roadID giveaway at My reason to Run
Friday, June 11, 2010
Plantar fasciitis
I have diagnosed myself with Plantar fasciitis. I am able to walk on it now and not have a limp but I need to seriously take care of this thing very soon. Not fun but I will get through this and start working on half marathon training soon.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
rough week
Last week was a really tough week, not only for me but I believe for many of my loved family members. The week after getting back to life after a loved ones passing is when it really starts to hit you and the everyday things and rituals seem rather pointless. The good news is that we all made it through and I was determined to push through it so we could all be happy and feel good about everything he would want us to do. I made a trip up to the mountain house on saturday to check on things and get some stuff done. I was alone which was probably a good thing so that I could take everything in and let go of anything I needed to also. Was a great trip with lots of work done at the house and even a great hike/run up and down a mountain peak, waterrock knob. I did miss all my family and loved ones throughout the weekend but I did enjoy this experience even though it was only 24 hours. I came home and then immediately went to do some fundraising at a local grocery store for 3 hours by standing in the heat of the day collecting money donations for several charities the Knights of Columbus provide for. Was a good experience and will gladly do it again in the future.

I did get a run in for National Run day and enjoyed a nice 4 mile run though my development. A nice easy 10 minute pace for most of it with a 9:30pace following up the end. Felt great to be out running again not having to worry about certain things anymore, like a heavy load has been removed. I woke up the next morning though with the worst pain I have ever felt in my left foot. I could not really walk on it all day and took 3 ibuprofrin which helped tremendously. Don't know what is going on but I still feel some pain with every step I take today. It is on the bottom of my left foot around the back inner sole area.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
I need to get a run in, like as soon as possible. Today is National Running Day, so everyone should go for a run.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Monday, May 24, 2010
I love you Dad and you will always be with me. I am glad that you are in heaven now with Mom watching over all of us always proving your love for us all. I will always continue to live by the way you have shown me to live, loving life everyday while treating everyone the way I would want to be treated.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Monday, May 17, 2010
St. Peregrine pray
Cancer is limited ...
It cannot cripple love, It cannot shatter hope, It cannot corrode faith, It cannot eat away peace, It cannot destroy confidence, It cannot shut out memories It cannot silence courage, It cannot invade the soul, It cannot reduce eternal life, It cannot quench the spirit, It cannot lessen the power of the Resurrection.
It cannot cripple love, It cannot shatter hope, It cannot corrode faith, It cannot eat away peace, It cannot destroy confidence, It cannot shut out memories It cannot silence courage, It cannot invade the soul, It cannot reduce eternal life, It cannot quench the spirit, It cannot lessen the power of the Resurrection.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Relay for Life
The big boy and I did another Relay for Life friday night and had a great time. He was very excited to see his teacher during the walk and talked the whole time to her. The beautiful wife and little angel eyes didn't make it this year unfortunately. The beautiful wife does not support anything like this so it is always just me out there. It was so awesome seeing all of the families together throughout the night having such good times that I kept getting upset when I thought about it. I registered as a survivor and recieved a shirt and purple ribbon to wear for the survivor lap and the beautiful wife explained to me for the second year in a row that I'm not really a survivor, which I don't think of myself as a survivor as I had my cancer removed during lunch one day and never recieved chemo, I am one of the very lucky ones. I only register as a survivor so the statistical numbers for beating this disease are better. Throughout the whole walk I thought about all of the loved ones affected by cancer. Four days later I am still in a funk and not happy with the beautiful wife. I am planning on forming a team next year for the walk as well as staying the whole time. I will be looking for ideas to raise some money for the organization throughout the year. Hope all the mothers had a great day and felt all the love and caring they deserve.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Monday, May 3, 2010

Long time no post. I'm still alive and finally took a nice and easy weekend to slow things down. We did make the trip to south Florida last month for Easter and had a great time, took 20 hours to drive down on good Friday which will never happen again. We didn't even make it out of Georgia the first day after 10 hours on the road. So we didn't get to do anything on the trip I was hoping for except to see family which was great. When we arrived home, I had a terrible sinus infection for a whole week and then some kind of other sickness that tore my insides apart. Then the following weekend the beautiful wife gets a terrible kidney infection and ends up in the ER in the middle of the night Saturday. Meds are helping now and until this weekend, our house is getting back into a nice relaxing mode again.
I haven't had a run in ever but finally got out Saturday morning for an easy 4 miles. The run was great and enjoyed all the sweat. My foot has been bothering me since the run but I think it will be fine, just going to take it easy and keep an eye on it. My whole family will be coming up for my brothers graduation from college here in town and then the beautiful angel eyes will be getting baptized in the catholic church that same day. Can't wait to have the family in town and spend some time with them.
Hope everyone is doing well and those running in races are enjoying themselves while they go for their goal.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest!
I haven't had a run in ever but finally got out Saturday morning for an easy 4 miles. The run was great and enjoyed all the sweat. My foot has been bothering me since the run but I think it will be fine, just going to take it easy and keep an eye on it. My whole family will be coming up for my brothers graduation from college here in town and then the beautiful angel eyes will be getting baptized in the catholic church that same day. Can't wait to have the family in town and spend some time with them.
Hope everyone is doing well and those running in races are enjoying themselves while they go for their goal.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
headed south
We are going to make a family trip to south Florida this weekend to see my family. Traveling with a 6 week old will be interesting but I think we can handle it. It will be a short trip but I am really excited about seeing everyone and having a great time. The van will be full of baby stuff as well as necessities for all of us as well as my mother-in-law. We are staying 2 nights at the hotel we had our wedding reception at which is right on the beach. I am planning on running everyday while on vacation and I think the weather is going to be perfect. We are breaking up the drive into two days and staying in Orlando at my brothers house on a golf course.
The little angel eyes is doing great and getting bigger everyday. She is a wonderful baby girl who gets excited to see and hear her brother and parents. We have been absolutely blessed in that she has been sleeping through the night for the past couple of nights and was only getting up once (2 to 3ish) since about 2 weeks old. We are all so excited for her to start laughing and smiling at us, especially big brother. Little angel eyes has a bad gas/fussy time every night before bed that I remember her big brother having as well. All is perfectly well though and I am constantly thinking and feeling amazingly blessed.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest!
The little angel eyes is doing great and getting bigger everyday. She is a wonderful baby girl who gets excited to see and hear her brother and parents. We have been absolutely blessed in that she has been sleeping through the night for the past couple of nights and was only getting up once (2 to 3ish) since about 2 weeks old. We are all so excited for her to start laughing and smiling at us, especially big brother. Little angel eyes has a bad gas/fussy time every night before bed that I remember her big brother having as well. All is perfectly well though and I am constantly thinking and feeling amazingly blessed.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest!
Friday, March 26, 2010
2 runs in a week
I had a great 4 mile run last night immediately following a small rain shower. The temp was perfect as I wore a long tech tee and shorts. I am getting excited for the coming seasons and the excellent running weather it brings. I kept a nice 9:30 pace and wanted to keep it nice and strong which I did for most of it. The last small hill was rough but I just trudged along knowing I was done shortly. Looking forward to another run this weekend.
“no one is truly dead, until they are no longer loved.” My Fantoms By Théophile Gautier
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
“no one is truly dead, until they are no longer loved.” My Fantoms By Théophile Gautier
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
time flies when your busy

It has been a little too long since I updated but have busy. I did get another run in sunday for a good 4 mile in the rain. Happy to be back out and no complaints at all. Saturday was an absolute beautiful spring day with warm temps and nothing but clear skies. The big boy started soccer Saturday so we all watched and I tried to coach. I am going to be helping coach the under 6 and under 8 teams some for right now. The kids are so cute when they play. Little angel eyes came to watch and enjoy being outside. None of us ate anything though so we were starved after both games. The rest of the weekend was spent chillin at the house and we were visited by my cousin and her 4 year old daughter. She held little angel eyes and it was the cutest thing ever, she wanted to keep her and take her home to snuggle. They didn't stay long but was a great visit. I didn't get anything done I wanted too and need to spend all day getting them done soon. Come on weekend!

Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
I ran!
I went for a 4 mile run this morning and loved it. So nice to get backout there and knock the cobwebs off. The weather was perfect with a light wind blowing cooler air and temps in the 50's. Looking forward to getting back in the swing of things. Came home and stretched followed by a short walk with the beautiful angel. She is doing awesome and growing so fast. Soccer season is starting for the big boy so should be plenty of opportunities to get outside with the family. Excited to see signs of spring all around now. Keep it coming.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Bridgedale socks giveaway
Greean socks giveaway. As I always look for a green product or company, Tricia is having a giveaway for socks from Bridgedale. Check it out.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Angel Eyes is here

Beautiful angel eyes was born on thursday evening. Things have been a little crazy since then with lots of no sleep thrown in. We are starting to adjust nicely though and hope to have everything back up to par very shortly. The angel eyes has been wonderful with an overflow of love from everyone around. I did take the big boy brother outside to play all afternoon yesterday with perfect weather to enjoy playing with all the neighborhood friends. It is so nice to have family and friends just outside of our doorsteps with lots of helping hands. I am thinking that I will be back to getting some runs in maybe next weekend.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
no rush
Still no sign of labor in the 38 week although the big boy picked last friday as her birthday. We are all ready for her and just taking it easy at our house. The room and house is ready for her, as well as her big brother is ready to love and hold her. He has informed us that he is excited to teach her to beat me up and tell me I am stinky. Can't wait. We did have a rough week last week with the big boy getting the 24 hour bug on wednesday and all night. He is still scared of getting sick and thinks germs are everywhere and in everything he eats (they are) but we are calming him some and helping him understand how our bodies work. No runs and no workouts for me and I can certainly feel the effects. Looking forward to spring when my family will be coming up to visit baby angel as well as the mountain house.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
ready for angel

Sorry for the delay in post but I haven't had 5 minutes of "me" to update. We have been non-stop lately around here and only have 5 minutes now due to a "24 hour bug" that made the big boy leave school, I'll take the down time and all is good now. I was "surprised" at work with a surprise baby shower which was so nice and unexpected. I have never in my life been surprised and they did everything including have my wife there to also surprise me. I spent the whole weekend getting the nursery ready as seen in the photos.
I did get the virtual 10k done though on the 23 and did much better then I thought I would. I pushed hard and kept a good pace even though I haven't run that much. I haven't run since then though and not sure when I will get a chance. The weather here has been rough for any runs period which is not making me go crazy. We are very ready for little angel to arrive and join the family.

Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
busy long weekend
I was non-stop this weekend from the second I walked out of my office on friday. I am still working on the baby room as now the crib that we saved from when the big boy was little has been recalled so now I have to replace with another crib that should arrive in the next couple of days. It is all coming together though and will be really nice when completed. I did go for an early run on saturday which was nice, still little chilly but felt great and comfortable at the turn around. Monday was a day off for me and the big guy and with an absolute perfect beautiful day, we were outside almost the whole day. We ended up going to the neighborhood park with several of the neighbors and then ventured back to our house. We all had a great time and look forward to many more times like that. Below is the group snacking during play. And the beautiful wife at 8 month with baby angel!

Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest!
Friday, January 15, 2010
long weekend
Everyone needs a hat light clip so head over to Nikki blog and enter to win her giveaway. Hurry as today is the deadline.
I didn't get a run in last night as when I got home I started to not feel good. I will get a run in maybe tonight though as I feel better. The beautiful wife is having a baby shower tomorrow at the mother-in-law house so her best friend from LA is coming into town today and chillin with us. Should be lots of fun and hopefully will help the wife take it easy and focus some. We have so much stuff as it is at the house that I am sure we will have to go through it next week and make a big donation to the battered woman shelter, where we always do.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
I didn't get a run in last night as when I got home I started to not feel good. I will get a run in maybe tonight though as I feel better. The beautiful wife is having a baby shower tomorrow at the mother-in-law house so her best friend from LA is coming into town today and chillin with us. Should be lots of fun and hopefully will help the wife take it easy and focus some. We have so much stuff as it is at the house that I am sure we will have to go through it next week and make a big donation to the battered woman shelter, where we always do.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
virtual 10k
I signed up for a virtual 10k on January 23 being put on by Casey at Running after Violet. I like the fact that anyone can do this run and they can do the run either outside or on a treadmill. I am looking into getting a treadmill for the house so I can still get runs in when the weather or family needs arise cancel a run. The beautiful wife doesn't want one even though it won't even be in the house. I only have 2 things left for the nursery and promise to post the pics soon.
I did get a great trail run in saturday with temps around 20 degrees but it was the frigid wind that was absolutely brutal. Part of the trail was soaked still and there was some frozen parts but I enjoyed every second of it. My legs were hurting after the run but felt great the next day.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
I did get a great trail run in saturday with temps around 20 degrees but it was the frigid wind that was absolutely brutal. Part of the trail was soaked still and there was some frozen parts but I enjoyed every second of it. My legs were hurting after the run but felt great the next day.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Starting 2010
I did get a run in New Years day which wasn't bad at all. I felt good and the temp was not bad at all. Since then though has been a different story, freezing weather all across the US which has made my runs be put on hold. I will get one or two this weekend. I found some local runs that I am really interested in running this year, two half marathons that I am really wanting to do. I am trying to get a time schedule going for me at home so that I can get runs and workouts in, anything has got to be better than currently. Our weekends are filled with things to do all the way up to when the baby comes, including finishing her room. I hope to finish the room this weekend and will post pics when I can.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.
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