Had a nice and relaxing weekend and was able to get a long (6.5) run in saturday morning. It was so hot and humid though and I was hoping for more miles but I decided to not push it and enjoy the run for what it is. I need to get some sport beans or clif shots as the heat is taking alot out of me and I need more than just water or gatorade. Finished the run and did some things around the house for the rest of the day. Had a neighborhood cookout to go to saturday night and I took the big boy there while the wife was home sick. Not much going on at cookout as storms lurked close by and the big boy is scared of storms. Good food and good time with the neighbors abd friends even though we left early at 8 so the big boy and the beautiful wife could watch a movie together. Me, back to the neighbors to finish my cold beers with some company.
Stayed and hung out at a neigbors patio til 12:30 and we enjoyed an absolutely awesome night. I slept next to the big boys tent I made in his room on the floor with a little hangoover but felt good after coffee and chillin with the beautiful wife and son. The big boy had a birthday party to go to at our neighborhood pool and once again it was just me and the big boy partying up like rock stars! We played and had a great time in the pool for 3 hours, the most I have been in water since my melanoma event almost 3 years ago. We went home and played for a little and watched tv/movies and then decided to take it easy and ordered pizza.
Hope everyone had good weekends and love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
hump day trail run
I stayed home from work yesterday to take care of a sick big boy, and after a early doctor visit a case of bronchitis is the diagnoses. So after a pick up of his antibiotic and eating some lunch we take a good nap and feel all better. The beautiful wife came home early to help take care of him and spend time with him, so I thought a good run was in store for me. I went for my 6 mile trail run at Francis Beatty park and absolutely loved every second of it. I felt no pain in my knees or hamstrings or anything and just plotted along. I went in the reverse of how I usally go and had to stop and get off the trail a couple times for bikers and runners coming by. I won't go that way again. At the 4 mile mark I almost ran into a deer and a nice looking doe at that. It was awesome and picked my spirit up when I needed it. Took a pic of it with my cell phone. Was a great run and looking forward to doing this trail run more.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
troubled knees
Went for a run saturday morning and struggled for most of the run. I walked a good bit and never felt strong. I went last night for a run and started out rough (as always) but soon got in a good pace and was cruising along. I decided to keep on going and make it a long run when I stopped at the 5 mile mark cause of really bad pain behind my knees. I was feeling a little tight in my left hamstring and may have adjusted my stride to accomodate the soreness that caused the knee pain. I don't feel anything now which is good and I am planning on running tomorrow night to find out. I really want to start doing more running and then this happens. I'm thinking everything is ok and staying positive so we will see. I took the big boy to hit some golf balls on sunday and we had a blast. I hit a couple of balls and my back was killing me, I think I slept wrong and got some knots next to the shoulder blades. The beautiful wife and I were able to spend a good amount of time together this weekend as the big boy stayed at the in-laws house all weekend. We watched the Transformer movie (awesome) and National Treasure 2 (awful) and got some great sleep as we slept til 9ish both days. I never sleep past 8 but I think I needed it but it may have led to the knots.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get and live life to the fullest.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get and live life to the fullest.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
missed run
I was planning on and ready to go for a run last night but the big boy said "please promise me you won't run and play with me instead!" I couldn't pass that offer up so he and I wrestled for a while and then enjoyed a nice family meal. After cleaning the kitchen I asked if he wanted to go for a walk and he did. We walked to our neighborhood sitting park and we walked around and climbed rocks. We jogged a little and we both loved it and we will do this some more. I am hoping to get a run in tonight but will have to see if the air gets fixed today. The weather has been good for the past couple of days and the house is not that bad.
Love and cherish every second you can with all of your loved ones. Life is short, live it to the fullest.
Love and cherish every second you can with all of your loved ones. Life is short, live it to the fullest.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Fathers day
Had a great weekend with the family and really enjoyed father's day. Helped my father-in-law install a ceiling fan in the guest bedroom and it took us a little longer than usual because the attic opening and walkway were in our way. We were also looking into our ac system as the house has not been cooling down. When we were getting ready to go to our evening plans of a music and drinking on the promenade, the house was very hot and we had all of the fans on and the ac turned down to 70. We drove to the Promenade shopping center with our neighbors and made plans to stay with the inlaws for the night cause of the hot house. We get to the promenade and it starts to rain, no thunder, just rain which we need. My big boy freaks out and is crazy thinking it is going to be thundering and lightning. We wait for a little while in a restaruant and eat and then try to go outside to enjoy the event. It starts to rain some more and they decide to cancel the event. The beautiful wife and big boy start heading to the van and I am gathering our stuff to bring to the van and the big boy is screaming for me to run and hurry up. I do hurry up with both arms full and get to him to calm him down. We get in the van and he is fine until we get to our neighbors house when the adults decide we want to drink outside under her covered patio. He freaks out again and won't come outside for a second cause of the rain. We hung out for a while and let the kids play while the adults drank until we left to go to the inlaws house.
Woke up and enjoyed a nice breakfast with the family and then went to walmart to get my father-in-law his present of a 4-man blow up boat which they didn't have. We finished shopping and then went to the house to drop off the groceries in the hot house. We then went to the inlaws pool and swam for several hours and I had a blast playing with the big boy. We finished up and then I went for a 4 mile run but was not very hydrated. I am hoping the air gets fixed soon this week and I am able to get a trail run in soon.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. I am truly blessed with everything I have and wish the best for all of you.
Woke up and enjoyed a nice breakfast with the family and then went to walmart to get my father-in-law his present of a 4-man blow up boat which they didn't have. We finished shopping and then went to the house to drop off the groceries in the hot house. We then went to the inlaws pool and swam for several hours and I had a blast playing with the big boy. We finished up and then I went for a 4 mile run but was not very hydrated. I am hoping the air gets fixed soon this week and I am able to get a trail run in soon.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. I am truly blessed with everything I have and wish the best for all of you.
Friday, June 13, 2008
bus running
I have decided to take the bus to and from work to help save money and help the environment. It isn't that bad actually as they have an express line that goes from a park&ride down my street straight through to uptown and I walk 5-6 blocks to my office. I get to relax on the bus and enjoy my ipod and read. In the evening, it goes from uptown straight to the park&ride and I then go 1 mile and pick up the big boy from day care. The only problem is that the wife is now driving my car into her work and it is a piece but it is good with gas.
I got home last night and wanted to run but knew the wife wanted me to cut the grass, so I took care of the yard and when I was done I went for a nice short run. 4 miles in a 9:30 pace. It wasn't that bad and really enjoyed the run. I ran on sunday morning at 7 and thought I was going to die. It was so humid and hot and I had to take it easy and I even had to walk some. I went through 2 bottles of water and it was only 5 miles. I am going to try and go for a trail run early tomorrow morning and we shall see.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
I got home last night and wanted to run but knew the wife wanted me to cut the grass, so I took care of the yard and when I was done I went for a nice short run. 4 miles in a 9:30 pace. It wasn't that bad and really enjoyed the run. I ran on sunday morning at 7 and thought I was going to die. It was so humid and hot and I had to take it easy and I even had to walk some. I went through 2 bottles of water and it was only 5 miles. I am going to try and go for a trail run early tomorrow morning and we shall see.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
Friday, June 6, 2008
need more water
Set out last night for a run and ended up doing a run/walk. I brought a bottle of water with me as it was very hot and very very humid. I ran as long as I could and around the 4 mile mark just decided that it was a little risky to be running and there is nothing wrong with walking. I was very low on water at this point and was really concerned that the heat could do some serious damage, so I just enjoyed being alive and walking. I know that I am not in the shape I was last year and I am not as strong so I need to build up my strength again. I have been doing exercises everyday but not a good core workout like I was. No worries though.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get, even if your sweaty and nasty!
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get, even if your sweaty and nasty!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
back to running
Had a good run last night even though it was slow and at times painful. I headed out at around 7 in the 80ish temps and was just hoping to get outside and moving. I have been feeling lazy and exhausted lately and was enjoying everything that the 5 mile run gave to me. I think I may have been trying to recover from the non-stop fun we had the weekend before with family in town and was not very motivated to go running. Very happy I went and looking forward to getting some more runs in this week.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get.
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