Friday, May 8, 2009

Relay for Life

I've been wanting to run, run, run lately but just haven't made any moves. I have been saving up any runs for the Relay for Life tonight in hopes I could do a total of 26.2 miles for the love ones with cancer. I haven't done really any runs lately so I'm not sure how I'll do but I will go dig deep and push my limit as far as I can. I am really looking forward to this relay and excited that it is happening at the high school right outside my development, with plenty of stuff close by for support. Also the beautiful wife and big boy son are going to do some of the relay walk with me. I am planning on wearing my new heart rate monitor (Polar F1 I believe) to learn what it can do. We have been busy working on things around the house as well I have been working on joining the Knights of Columbus. I am looking forward to that as well with my Dad and 2 brothers are members as well. I have been wanting to do more for the community around me as well as everyone that is close to me. I think this will help and looking forward to getting started growing in this aspect.

I have a really big list of loved ones and friends that I am walking/running for which seems to be growing quite large. My Dad, Mom, Grandma, Aunt Pat, Mr. M, Cousin Tracey, co-worker Lare's husband, next door neighbors brother, and many many more. Each one is always with me and in my thoughts 24/7, no matter their condition. Loving spending time with everyone and looking forward to everyday!

Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest!

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