Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Things have been a little out of the ordinary lately which has led to a small break from running and good workouts. I really had to focus on my family lately and do everything I could and more to help us get through a very difficult time. It was very rough several days for the wife and I but we have come through together ready to get back to enjoying everything we have. Everything is starting to get back to normal as well as the weather is making it's spring change around us also. I did get a good 4 mile run the other night that I decided to take it easy while enjoying everything around me. I was in charge of all food and meals at our house for the past couple of weeks and didn't do too bad of a job but not great, even though it was mostly for me and the big boy which is easy. We enjoyed many home cooked meals using the small selection of items we have to offer. I like this change I have been making trying to be involved in more cooking services then the normal grilling. I am just starting this hobby with not much talent but very eager to learn and I love reading other food blogs.

Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.

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