Monday, February 2, 2009

eating to much

I got the bottles for the fuelbelt friday night and worked on getting them ready for the run on saturday. The weather was a little chilly from the wind but was a nice sunny day overall. The fuelbelt is awesome and worked perfectlly for my 5 mile run. The run was good but started out a little rough with a walk for a little in the middle. I was keeping a 9:15 mile pace for most of the run even though my lungs were struggling some until the walk. I was hoping to get a heart rate monitor this weekend but the beautiful wife advised me of a tight budget for the next couple of weeks. We went out to dinner saturday night with the inlaws to a nice local family itilian restaurant which I ate to much. Sunday was a chore day for me with cleaning the carpets in our house. Took me most of the day so I was not able to get a workout in. We went to a neighborhood party for the superbowl with another night of eating to much for me. This time I payed the price as I was up all night trying to get whatever it was that didn't like me out, so I am home sick today. I was hoping to get a run in today but may have to rough through a cold run another night.

Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.


Mendy said...

That sucks about your sickness.

RunToTheFinish said...

yikes eating out a few times usually does that to me, my body isn't used to it any more. glad you were able to make it out for the race!!