Crazy busy here with lots of traveling to different countries as well as local places. The beautiful angel wife and I went to Grand Cayman Island for a week without the kiddies or pets for our 10 year anniversary as well as my 40th birthday. She suprised me with some of our neighbors coming along as well as meeting up with our childhood friend from Florida. The island is absolutely amazing and we all had the time of our lives. We all needed it for sure as we came home with fully recharged minds and spirits. I did get out for 3 runs while we were there on the beach, about 4 miles each time. Was nice to sweat off some of the alchohol off but enjoying the white sand beaches and cyrstal clear water made it all worth while. We did some sort of island activity everyday with each one being unique and amazing. I was planning on doing some diving there but being the only one from the group that is certified, I opted to hang as a group and snorkel with them, which we snorkeled at least twice a day on the most amazing reefs I've ever seen and the reefs in the Florida keys is good in some areas. Was a great time and definetly want to go back again, next time with the kiddies, missed them and was happy to get back. Was nice to have adult time with the beautiful angel wife though, we needed it.
I took a week off of running since returning home to prevent injury and opted for some good earned rest with the family. Hope everyone is safe and sound after Irene.
Love and hug your loved ones every cahnce you get. Live everyday to the fullest.