Wednesday, August 18, 2010

missing summer

I miss running!! My foot is still hurting even after stretching, icing, anti-flamatory meds, and time off. The doctor checked it out, pressed against my achilles (it was very tender) and gave me a prescription for anti-flammatory and a stretching sheet to follow. I bought insoles that have helped some but the pain is still there. I am thinking about justing going for a run this weekend on the beach and say to hell with it. I really miss running!

This summer has been very busy for us though with very little windows of opportunity to go for runs. My sister visited us for a week and we all had a blast. A short weekend trip to Charleston was wonderful, exactly what we (I) needed. We actually rode bikes all weekend and walked the Ravenel bridge together one morning. The beautiful angel wife has shingles now but hasn't let that stop her from doing a bootcamp at the local Y. I am very happy she is doing all of this and wish I could join her some.

I have big plans for the near future in the works that will require an uninjured me to fulfill them. I will let the plans known soon.

Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest.