I was non-stop this weekend from the second I walked out of my office on friday. I am still working on the baby room as now the crib that we saved from when the big boy was little has been recalled so now I have to replace with another crib that should arrive in the next couple of days. It is all coming together though and will be really nice when completed. I did go for an early run on saturday which was nice, still little chilly but felt great and comfortable at the turn around. Monday was a day off for me and the big guy and with an absolute perfect beautiful day, we were outside almost the whole day. We ended up going to the neighborhood park with several of the neighbors and then ventured back to our house. We all had a great time and look forward to many more times like that. Below is the group snacking during play. And the beautiful wife at 8 month with baby angel!

Love and hug your loved ones every chance you get. Live everyday to the fullest!